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30 sierpnia 2023

A Comprehensive Guide on How to Register a German Car in Poland



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If you have recently purchased a German car or intend to import one into Poland, you might be wondering how to register your new acquisition. Registering a foreign car in Poland can seem like a daunting process, but this comprehensive guide will help you understand the steps involved and make it as straightforward as possible. Keep reading to learn how to register a German car in Poland.


Table of Contents



Understanding the Vehicle Registration Process in Poland


The vehicle registration process in Poland is an obligatory administrative procedure that authorizes a vehicle to be used in road traffic. It involves several essential steps, including the collection of required documents, vehicle inspection, and payment of necessary fees.

Foreigners face no restrictions when buying cars in Poland, and they can purchase either from a dealer or a used car. In the case of buying a used car, it could be from a dealership, resale centres, or individual sellers. However, one must make sure to check the overall condition of the vehicle, oil, tires, and engine before purchase.

After purchasing a car, the new owner has 30 days to register the vehicle in Poland. The registration is done at the communication department at a town hall or a local council (powiat office).


Vehicle Registration: Online vs. Offline


While traditional in-person registration at the communication department is still common, online registration has become increasingly popular due to its convenience and ease of use.

To register a car online, you need to follow a few simple steps:

  • Visit the government website at https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/uslugi-dla-obywatela.
  • Click on "Drivers and vehicles" and then on "Report vehicle sale or purchase."
  • Follow the prompts to fill out the necessary information about the car, including details of the seller and buyer and the date of purchase.
  • Submit the application.


Required Documents for Vehicle Registration


To register a vehicle in Poland, you need to provide the following documents:

  • Vehicle registration application form
  • ID (passport is also possible) with visa or residence card
  • Proof of vehicle ownership (contract, VAT invoice, or final court decision)
  • Registration document
  • Vehicle history card (if there is one)
  • Licence plates
  • Proof of temporary registered address in Poland
  • Proxy form (if you use a proxy who helps you with Polish)

All documents should be original and in Polish. If they are in other languages, certified translations should be included.


Poland Vehicle Registration Resources & The Roadworthiness Inspection


Before a vehicle can be registered in Poland, it must undergo a roadworthiness test. This inspection checks various aspects of the vehicle, including tires and brakes, lights and signals, chassis and suspension, and exhaust and emissions.

For an imported vehicle, most of the required documents are the same, but there are a few additional steps. If the vehicle purchase contract was drawn up in a language other than Polish, it must be translated by a sworn translator. The same rule applies to other vehicle-related documents.


Cost of Registering a Car in Poland


The cost of registering a car in Poland can vary depending on individual cases. The full cost of obtaining new licence plates should not exceed around PLN 180. If you have your own plates, it should be less. However, registering a car may cost much more in some individual cases.


Registration of Imported Vehicles


Registering an imported vehicle requires additional steps and documents. Besides the usual ones, you will also need confirmation of excise duty payment, translated documents, confirmation of vehicle deregistration in the country where it was registered, current technical inspection, and possibly foreign license plates.

The registration of an imported car costs 256 PLN. After submitting the documents, the car will be provisionally registered for 30 days. After this step, the registration of the car from abroad is completed. You can check the implementation status at https://www.pwpw.pl/Strefa_wiedzy/Sprawdz_status_wykonania_.html.


Car Registration and Liability Insurance in Poland


One of the requirements for registering a vehicle is liability insurance. Without such insurance, you will not only be unable to register your vehicle, but you also risk a fine.


Power of Attorney for Car Registration


After buying a car, the owner has 30 days to contact the communication department and complete the formalities. During this time, they can also appoint a trustee by writing the relevant permission to register the car.


Registration of a Used Vehicle


If you bought a used vehicle, you have 30 days to notify the communication department of your purchase. If you fail to do so, you risk a penalty.


Why Choose akcyzawarszawa.pl for Your Car Registration Needs


Handling the registration of your car can be a complex and time-consuming process. This is where akcyzawarszawa.pl comes in. They offer a comprehensive service that takes care of all the paperwork for you, whether you are registering a new car or a used one.


With their expertise in excise tax and insurance, they ensure that you save as much as possible. Their services are affordable, and they handle everything efficiently and professionally, making the whole process of registering your German car in Poland a breeze.


With akcyzawarszawa.pl, you can rest assured that your car registration needs are in good hands. So, why wait? Reach out to them today and experience a hassle-free car registration process.

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